Cradleboard For Doll Northern Plains-Style

American Indian Cradleboard for Doll

Cradleboard for Doll Northern Plains Style

Size: 24 1/2" x 14" x 6"
On red-stained boards with brass tacks, Basket top covered in rabbit and a recycled whole mink hide, with elkskin body bag, laced with leather and conchos.
Decorated with conchos, feathers, brass and glass trade beads, hairpipes beading strips.
Suitable for small doll, (20").
Hang on the wall, or let your children play with the cradleboard!
$ 200.00 asking, or Best Offer!

Close up of support boads with brass tacks, Sioux style: close up of supports with brass tack decorations
Close up of top of cradleboard with gray mink fur: Top of cradleboard, detail of fur mink

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