This is an illustration of the cartouche of King Tut that you see most often. Actually it does not say TutAnkhAmen. It is the throne name or coronation name of King Tut.
What it says is “Neb-Kheper-U-Re”. The translation can
“Lord of the Many Forms of Re” or
“Lord of the Many Manifestations of Re”.
I’ll break it down for you.
This is a Cartouche. It’s actually a French word, not
but since a Frenchman discovered the ‘Rosetta Stone’ which helped
break the ‘code’ of the ancient ‘Medu Neter’ or ‘Sacred Symbols’ or what
we call ‘hieroglyphs’ (which is also a foreign word [Greek]), this symbol
is now called a cartouche.
It represents a magical rope inclosure that gives protection
to the name of the King or Queen. Only Kings or Queens are allowed to use
the cartouche around their name.
Since Hieroglyphs can be written from left to right,
right to left, top to bottom, or bottom to top, a clue to how to read the
symbol is where the straight line is located,in this instance it is at
the bottom and the symbols start there.
This is the hieroglyph Neb, which also means gold. To
Egyptians gold represented the flesh or body of Re or
God. It also means ‘lord, master, or lady’.
In this case ‘Lord’.
This is the hieroglyph "U", which means ‘many.’
This is the hieroglyph Kheper, a symbol of the scarab,
which means ‘form or shape.’ The scarab also represented a magical ability
of the ‘Sun’ to be reborn. This derived from observing the scarab beetle,
or dung-beetle, as it rolled a ball of dung, in the shape of the sun, which
it then buried and laid eggs in, providing food for its young. Thus emerging
beetles were ‘reborn’ or ‘manifested.’
This is the hieroglyph for Re, the Sun-God.
Now try to put the cartouche together from the symbols
below. If you wish to copy them to your computer, right click on each graphic,
and copy. Or "Save Image" on a Mac. This was made on an old Mac Powerbook, and works fine with Appleworks 5 or Claris.